Modesto Llanes
Meet Modesto

Pronouns: He/Him
Staff Position: Lead Classroom Technology Coordinator, Center for Teaching and Educational Technology
Hometown: San Juan, Metro Manila
What is your favorite memory or experience working with students at SSU?
There are not many jobs on campus like mine that bring you into contact with almost every single student. Whether it is responding to classroom issues, checking out equipment, or resetting passwords, most students have seen my face. My most meaningful memory was sitting poolside at the Phys Ed building waiting for my kids' swim class to let out. A woman approached me and asked if I had worked for Media Service 10 years prior. I responded that I had. She proceeded to thank me and told me that we made a real difference in her education and that she was glad that I was still here.
What has been the most challenging part of your experience and what did you learn from it?
The biggest challenge I have faced at SSU is the perpetual need for resources. I have learned that, as in other aspects of life, there is never enough time. Never enough money. Never enough help. You figure out what's important and make those things a priority. Everything has a way of sorting itself out.
What brought you to SSU, and what motivates you to stay?
Two things brought me to SSU. First, SSU offered a degree pertinent to the career I wanted to pursue, and second, it had small class sizes. After meeting my wife my junior year, I figured out that our career goals would not be compatible toward achieving my life's ambition, which was to have a family. The same month I met my wife, SSU offered me a student job. A year later, I was offered a staff position. I took the hint that this is where I should be. I stay because I know that I have made a difference here, and I can still make a difference.
Who at SSU has influenced you and/or made a difference in your journey here?
The three most influential people who shaped my career are Mark Anderson, Phil Peterson, and Russ Greenspan. Russ taught me to always take care of my department. Because of him, I learned to treat people like family. Phil instilled in me that this is not a job, it is a calling. Because of him, I am constantly reminded that we are here for the students. Mark taught me the most important lesson: SSU is not a place. It is people.
Anything else about your experience at SSU:
I have been at SSU my entire adult life. When I first stepped foot on campus at the age of 19, I never expected to be here after graduation, let alone three decades later. I have seen the campus grow and buildings crop up or evolve. I often find myself pondering what was originally here. When I look at what SSU has given me, it goes beyond education. SSU is where I met my wife. It gave me a career and introduced me to the best friends I have ever had.