Manza Atkinson
Meet Manza

Pronouns: He/Him/El
Faculty Position: Chemistry Lecturer
Hometown: New Bern, NC
What is your favorite memory or experience working with students at SSU?
I have a collection of memorable experiences. As of now, there is not one memory that sticks out more than others. Since I typically engage with students in the classroom setting, I can provide a perspective from that point of view. I enjoy reading the reflections from my “Racism and Sexism in Science” course. All semester long, we have tough conversations concerning the course topics. We introduce students to scientists that identify as women. Sometimes I find out in these reflections that they had never seen a woman scientist. Although it breaks my heart to hear, I realize that this experience may empower them. I also enjoy working with students in the lab.
What has been the most challenging part of your college experience and what did you learn from it?
The most challenging experience at SSU is to provide instruction in the classroom as a black man. I can sense disbelief in my capabilities from some of the students despite my doctorate degree and postdoc experience from Harvard University.
What brought you to SSU, and what motivates you to stay?
Carmen Works invited me to teach. She was the former head of the chemistry department. I got to know her because I was coaching her son's elementary school basketball team and we got to briefly know each other at a PTA meeting where I was asking the PTA Board for money for our elementary Lego robotics program.
It is fulfilling to pass on what I know about chemistry and life to this generation of students so that they can best serve the world.
Who at SSU has influenced you and/or made a difference in your journey here?
Professors Jon Fukuto, Jennifer Lillig, and Carmen Works. Before I joined SSU in the fall of 2020, I had not taught chemistry for about 10 years. These people were instrumental in helping me to acclimate to the teaching environment.
Anything else about your experience at SSU:
Out of all the institutions that I have visited, this university seems to be most concerned about student learning.