Vanessa Sanchez
Meet Vanessa

Pronouns: She/Her/Ella
Major: Criminology & Criminal Justice
Year: Third
Hometown: Stockton, CA
What are your campus involvements?
Associated Students (Senator of Diversity), Hispanic Serving Institute Advisory Council, Senate Diversity Subcommittee, President's Advisory Council on Diversity, Equity, Campus Climate, and Inclusion, McNair Scholar, Koret Scholar
What is your favorite memory or experience at SSU?
My favorite SSU memory took place during my second year. I had interviewed a few days prior for the Senator of Diversity position within Associated Students and I had received the email regarding my acceptance for the position. Prior to confirming my acceptance, I had taken a walk around campus to think about my decision, and whether I wanted to follow through with the process. I had always experienced difficulties being involved or even believing in my capabilities. However, this acceptance allowed my mindset to shift, pushed me out of my comfort zone, and allowed me to develop confidence to grow and engage in processes I would have never thought possible. During this walk, I calmed myself down and realized that this was just the beginning to the amazing path I was constructing for myself and my family.
What has been the most challenging part of your college experience and what did you learn from it?
My most challenging experience during college has been to branch out and believe that I am capable of so much more than I deemed possible. I had always done well academically, but when it came to being involved on campus, I struggled. I didn't believe in myself and the fear of the unknown haunted me. Exploring opportunities and putting myself out there frightened me. Being a first generation student played a part in this. My parents didn't understand the different components of academic life that come from being a student, and also involved with different organizations or programs. Maneuvering that for myself, without help, was difficult. However, being able to navigate this at my own pace and pushing myself past my comfort zone allowed me to realize, it's okay. The simple phrase "it's okay" was something I lived by. I had allowed myself to fall into mind traps of anxiety and self-doubt, but convincing myself that "it's okay" compelled me to push through and that every experience is an opportunity to grow.
What brought you to SSU, and what motivates you to stay?
During high school I was a part of a program called AVID. This program prepared me to be college ready and exposed me to the different California State Universities. Sonoma was one of the few CSU’s that offered criminology which was a program I knew I wanted to study. After exploring the website and seeing images, and then finally stepping foot on campus, I fell in love. The brightening environment, the vibrancy of the individuals, and the campus itself convinced me this was a home away from home. The connections and roots I have developed convince me to stay. While I have had a lot of downs, I have also had a great deal of ups. This is the process of the growth journey, and I am happy I got to do that here at SSU.
Who at SSU has influenced you and/or made a difference in your journey here?
I believe that my path has had a lot of contribution from Professor Bryan Burton. Coming in as a first year, he immediately embedded a seed in my growth process that convinced me that I am smart enough to take part in research here at SSU. Without him even realizing it, he has talked me out of my own personal mind traps in reminding me that I am capable and I am more than smart enough to be a part of what SSU has to offer. Another individual who has pushed me to grow was Erik Dickson. He is a constant reminder that starting from nothing has no impact on where I will end. The process of growth and developing new connections is difficult, but he has always reminded me that if I want it, I can work for and achieve it. He has served as not only my executive director but as my mentor through college life.