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Lisa Hua

Headshot of Lisa Hua

Meet Lisa

Pronouns: She/Her

Biology Faculty

Hometown: San Jose, CA


What is your favorite memory or experience working with students at SSU?

I run a research lab in the Biology department with 14 SSU undergraduate students. My favorite memories are when we had lab meetings on Zoom during COVID-19, and during our in person lab meetings, we still are getting to know each other better by starting out all lab meetings with a "fun fact." I have a wonderful group of dedicated students who are passionate about science, creative and artistic about their biology schematics, and know when to have a great time! Coming into the lab, I always find a funny survey on the lab whiteboard. For example, surveys for favorite fruit, or candies! I have been pleasantly surprised by all the wonderful talent among our students, and how every student is open to helping other students thrive at SSU.


What made you choose SSU?

Being a faculty member at SSU has been a lifelong dream. My family has deep roots in Sonoma County, where my husband practices Dentistry in Petaluma, and my family lives in the H section in Rohnert Park. I was fortunate to work where I love living and it has been such a pleasure getting to know so many students and local families. I work in a great Biology department consisting of supportive colleagues, and wonderful staff! During COVID-19, my kids and I rode our bikes to campus every day, and explored every nook and cranny on campus. We found so many treasures that spanned the Leprechaun garden to the Butterfly garden, and hidden blackberry bushes by the Green Music Center. SSU is wonderful place to be and I look forward to making my contribution to keep it as an academic gem in the greater Bay Area.


What has been the most challenging part of your experience and what did you learn from it?

I started at SSU in Fall 2019 and this is my first "normal" semester. It has been challenging staying flexible during so many changes, however I have great colleagues in the Biology department and wonderful students who I have leaned on for support. We celebrate our successes together, and strive to work together. I feel passionate that student learning outcomes arise from faculty and students partnerships.


Please share anything else about your experience at SSU?

I have been encouraged by my students to share my experiences as a female minority faculty member. I think it is important to show students that faculty in the STEM fields are representative of the diverse student population at SSU. I have encouraged many students to consider careers in academia or research, as it is such a fulfilling career to mentor and train another generation of scientists. Navigating and information gathering for their next steps after college, I try my best to advise and mentor them for success following graduation. My favorite moments are when my former SSU students return as alumni and pass on their wisdom to current SSU undergraduates. It is wonderful when we can celebrate our successes together!