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Madeline Hansen

Headshot of Madeline Hansen

Meet Madeline

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Year: Fourth Year
Majors: Early Childhood Studies and German
Hometown: Pleasant Hill, CA

What is your favorite memory or experience at SSU?

My favorite memory is being a part of the Jazz Ensemble and performing in Weill Hall at the Green Music Center. 

What made you choose SSU?

I chose SSU because of the beautiful campus, I stayed because it was so easy to get involved. 

What has been the most challenging part of your college experience and what did you learn from it?

Adjusting to college life and making friends as a first-year was difficult, but I learned to try new things and get involved.

What have you been involved with at SSU?

German Club, Bible Club, SSU Jazz Band, Women's Jazz Ensemble, FAST Peer Mentor, Student Involvement PEAP, Women's Ultimate Frisbee