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Marian Mejia

Marian Mejia

Hey y’all! My name is Marian Mejia, and I’m a second year geography, environment, and planning (GEP) major with a concentration in society, environment, and development. I am a Bay Area born and raised Filipino-American woman who was born to teen parents, and I am the first person in my family to go to college. Currently, I’m an events director/ programmer for Associated Students Productions (ASP), a Peer Mentor for Science 120, an Outdoor Pursuits Trip Leader, Treasurer for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club, and a member of the Students for Sustainability Club. My involvement here at Sonoma State stems from my desire to make a positive impact and inspire others. Despite the fact that each club, department, and organization I’m in is unique, they all require me to apply my skills as well as learn and grow as a person.

As a Filipino woman, it is expected that I pursue a career in the medical field and even though I have a passion for helping others, I wanted to do so in my own way. Inherently, I’m not a science- oriented person, but it is my passion for the environmental sciences and the well-being and justice of others that drives my work in environmentalism. The way the environment responds to human influence directly affects everyone; I want to educate and inform others as well as encourage everyone to work together so we can all live healthy, safe, and sustainable lives. This also encompasses advocating for minoritized communities that are experiencing severe environmental consequences caused by industry and privileged carelessness.

My time at Sonoma State has been generally positive so far, but my biggest challenge would have to be representation. I want to show people like me—people of color, people who have faced numerous adversities—that they can be where I am, do what I do, and foster a passion (or passions). I will never forget when one of my Science 120 students wrote to me in class saying: “It’s nice to see another Asian face.” I’m here to dispel expectations and stereotypes, and promote awareness, environmentalism, and social activism. If I had not come to SSU, my involvement and growth would not have been possible, and I’m more than grateful that the University provided these opportunities for me to take advantage of.