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Anthony Tucker

Anthony Tucker

My name is Anthony Tucker and I am currently a third year Hutchins Liberal Arts major. I was born in Redwood City, California and grew up all around the Bay Area until my family finally settled down in Tracy, California when I was about seven or eight years old. My parents have worked very hard to put my brother and I in a position to attend college. I sometimes take this for granted, but I do my best to make them proud.

During my freshman year at Sonoma State University, I was involved in the Sauvignon Village Council. After my freshman year, I was lucky enough to get hired as a Campus Life Programmer. I would say that my classwork and my job are the only things I am really involved in anymore. I think that the biggest challenge I have had to face since coming to SSU has been learning how to become a responsible individual. I often feel that I could be doing a lot more with my life if I managed my time and money better.

Another challenge that I faced was having to leave what I knew so well back home and almost start a new life. I had to leave all of the connections that I had back home and find a new community that I felt comfortable in. Most of my time at Sonoma State has been positive. I really enjoy going to SSU because there are so many supportive people.

I am very proud to be apart of Hutchins because the professors that I’ve had show that they really care about their students. Working for Student Involvement has also been a positive experience. I really enjoy the work I do and I am treated very well. My job has provided a lot of amazing opportunities and it keeps me involved in campus activities.