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Abigail Anous

Headshot of Abigail Anous

Meet Abigail

Pronouns: She/Her

Major: Early Childhood Studies

Hometown: Glendale, CA


What is your favorite memory or experience at SSU?

My favorite memory at SSU was meeting the coaches of the baseball team. It was Spring 2021, during COVID, and the campus was closed, apart from housing. I was living on campus and I took daily walks, to clear my mind and explore the campus. One day, in late March, I found myself at the baseball field. I was surprised to see the team practicing and I decided to watch. This continued for a couple of days, and I want to say on the third day, the coaches called me over and we introduced themselves. After the introductions, Coach Nackord asked if I knew how to keep score and do stats for baseball. I replied "No, but I'd be willing to learn." The very next day, I found myself scoring a spring scrimmage. I continued keeping score of their games and the Spring 2021 "season" ended. In Fall 2021, I returned and continued scoring their scrimmages and inputting stats. In Spring 2022, the team was able to play authentically, meaning playing other schools, for the first time in two years. I found myself going to every home game, and I traveled with the team, when I could.

Simply being part of something and being surrounded by individuals who care about me, has improved my quality of life. This team means the world to me and I'm forever grateful.


What made you choose SSU?

I chose SSU due to its small size, as it mirrored my high school experience. I went to a very small high school and that's what I knew and felt comfortable with. I felt SSU had a tight knit community and that was an important consideration in my college choice.

Also, my sister goes to Berkeley and having her be about an hour away, was another reason I chose SSU. 

I also chose SSU for its nursing program. I originally wanted to go into nursing, but have since changed my major. I am an Early Childhood Studies major and I don't regret making that decision.

Going back to the small size, I feel as if your professors can truly get to know you as a person. Professors actually learn your name and that was a big factor for me.


What has been the most challenging part of your college experience and what did you learn from it?

When I first arrived at Sonoma State, in January of 2021, loneliness struck hard. I was living in the dorms and there was hardly anyone there on campus. This was my first time being away from home and I feel it's important to mention that my parents live in Tanzania, in East Africa. So, I don't have the opportunity to go home easily. Being halfway across the world from my parents wasn't easy on me. I called everyday and tried to distract myself with classes, hanging out with my roommate, and going on walks. It just wasn't enough. I tried to keep reminding myself "this is temporary and soon enough, the campus will be lively again." This mindset truly helped my perspective and shifted my way of thinking. I had to think positive and remind myself of the opportunities I was receiving.

What I learned through this challenging time was to put myself out there. I went on daily walks and spoke to everyone I met. On one of those walks, I made my first college friend. It was pure serendipity, too. I had someone to hang out with and talk to.

When I found myself at the baseball practices, I put myself out there as well and spoke to the coaches, and that took me very far.


What have you been involved with at SSU?

Statistician and Score Keeper for the Sonoma State Men's Baseball and student Assistant at Disability Services for Students.