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Kieleigh (Kie) Calcagno

Headshot of Kieleigh (Kie) Calcagno

Meet Kieleigh

Pronouns: She/Her

Major: Liberal Studies (Hutchins School)

Hometown: Santa Clara, CA


What is your favorite memory or experience at SSU?

My favorite experience at SSU has to be being a part of the FAST (First-and Second-Year Transition) Programs in a variety of roles. Within our community, we are able to help mentor first and second-year students throughout their courses for an entire year! This program has not only allowed me to see my full potential as a future teacher, but also has led me to make a positive change in other people's lives. The connections that I have made with my past and present students will last a lifetime. The jokes and friendships that have been formed during staff meetings have really made me feel like I belong. This program is my home and I have loved every single minute of being a part of it!


What made you choose SSU?

I chose SSU for a multitude of reasons. I am a second-generation Seawolf; my dad graduated in 1992! Through his guidance and my love of this campus, I found the decision to come here incredibly easy. But that's not the only reason! The smaller campus size and nature really solidified my decision; everywhere I go, there's at least one friendly face waiting to be greeted and a fallen leaf to crunch on. With SSU's size, I feel like I can truly succeed and be seen by students, faculty, and others. The minute I stepped onto campus, I had this feeling in my body. It was like I was coming home, and I knew that I had to stay.


What has been the most challenging part of your college experience and what did you learn from it?

The most challenging part of my college experience has to be starting college during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am a people person and being restricted from participating in the Seawolf community really negatively affected me. What I did learn from it though was to always take advantage of my opportunities to interact with SSU and its people. Human connections are everything to me, and I am so grateful for Sonoma State's small but mighty Seawolf family. Without my place on this campus, I truly do not know where or who I would be.


What have you been involved with at SSU?

The REVIVAL Zine, and FAST (First-and Second-Year Transition) Programs Peer Mentor/Peer Facilitator/Staff Coordinator (Leadership Staff)