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Alex Boyle

Headshot of Alex Boyle

Meet Alex

Pronouns: They/Them

Major: Mathematics

Hometown: Oceanside, CA

What is your favorite memory or experience at SSU?

My favorite memories at SSU have been from events on campus. Whether it was making plush animals, or laughing at Free Grocery Bingo, I had tons of fun.

What made you choose SSU?

SSU has a great campus because of its location and feel, and I haven’t found anywhere else. It provides such a new yet comforting and homely feel that couldn’t be matched by other schools. There is so much to explore both coastal and inland.

What has been the most challenging part of your college experience and what did you learn from it?

Connecting with classmates has been the most challenging part of online classes, but has taught me a great appreciation for in-person events, classes, and interactions.

What have you been involved with at SSU?

QSA (Queer Student Alliance), Math Club, SSU Cross Country, and SSU Track and Field.