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Peter Forte

Peter Forte

My name is Peter Forte I am a third year geography, environment, and planning studies major, but I just generally love to learn, question, and reason to better myself. I care about solving problems that face our student population, local community and the globe.

Primarily, I focus on the injustice of environmental health disparities between communities. I care about the experience of SSU students and want them to be generally happy and healthy individuals who feel a sense of belonging while they attend this school. I’m concerned about what impedes them from feeling this way, and work with other student leaders to address this.

I am a member of Associated Students, acting as the Director of Sustainability for Join Us Making Progress and am the Treasurer of Students for Sustainability. I’ve challenged myself by being a full time student and part time employee. A constant challenge I face is learning to accept myself as enough even when I want to do so much more with my time here and learning to cherish the little moments of my college experience as I progress.

A third challenge would be learning to remain mindful in the midst of difficulty or chaos happening in the world.